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My Hunch About His Co-Worker Turned Out To Be True, And More Of This Week’s Best Work Drama #adessonews

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Aste immobili
bed & breakfast

We’re tackling something we all have to deal with at some time or other: work drama. Each week, I’ll be bringing the juiciest stories from across the web right to our little virtual water cooler.

From toxic bosses to nightmare workplaces, I’m here to speak a little justice on behalf of the average worker. While you’re here, please note that this weekly series is meant solely for entertainment purposes. Please do not have your HR team call me tomorrow saying you heard it from Joel at Digg.

Finanziamo strutture per affitti brevi

Gestiamo strutture per affitto breve

Am I Reading Too Much Into Maybe Nothing?

I have a highly competitive coworker who throws me psychotic looks when the boss isn’t looking. It’s bizarre and unnerving. She’s perfectly pleasant one minute, and the next, she’s staring me down like a serial killer.

I feel like she’s trying to intimidate me or plotting against me. How do I handle this? I feel like if I report to my boss that my coworker looks at me like an insane person occasionally, it will seem petty and unbelievable.

I’m always staring at people, maybe she’s like me and daydreams at everyone else’s inconvenience. She should also give it back to her co-worker with a weird face, because what’s her co-worker gonna do? I don’t care where you work, pettiness is part of the payroll everywhere. Read the rest of the thread here

My Hunch Turned Out To Be True

I, 28F, visited my boyfriend’s, 28M, office because I had an appointment nearby. As I was about to enter the building, I saw him with a coworker. He pretended he didn’t see me, but we met each other’s eyes. I thought it was one of those walking meetings, where they take walks while having discussions, so I didn’t think anything of it. When I asked him who he was with, he said it was a work friend named Addy (fake name). I remembered an Addy popping up on his Instagram notifications before, so I asked if it was the same person, and why he hasn’t told me anything about a new work friend, as we know each other’s friends. He told me to chill, and that if I’m thinking of something malicious, know that she is not his type. I asked if I could see what they were chatting on Instagram about, and he said I was being toxic and that I was invading his privacy. I said if it’s nothing, why can’t he just show it? He repeatedly called me toxic until I told him to stop. He told me that he needs some time alone, so I have to stay at my parents’ house. We live together, by the way. I said no, but he said he needs to think, and being by himself makes him think more clearly.

Fast forward to today, two weeks from the incident, we went to a party, and he got drunk to the point that I had to walk him from the car to our bed. As I was about to get in bed myself, his phone popped up with a notification saying, “U up?” It was from the girl named Addy. I read the messages, and it turns out that they saw each other after work to “see the city lights, watch a movie, and play minigolf” on the night he asked me to stay at my parents’ house. The messages also indicated that he picked her up from her place. She doesn’t know that we’re together, maybe, because from her online profiles, she seems very religious and set on her values.

I messaged her. I told her I was my boyfriend’s girlfriend and I sent photos of my boyfriend and me together with timestamps on them. I told her that I knew when they went out, and I asked her not to message my boyfriend until I figure everything out. She never responded, but she removed my boyfriend from her followers a few minutes later. I’m scared about what could happen if, when he finds out what I did, we may break up. I don’t even know if he’s cheating. He downplayed it last time by saying, “You can have guy work friends, but I can’t?” I don’t really know what to believe. Please help. I now regret messaging Addy. I am typing all of this at 4 a.m. I don’t know what will happen when he finds out.

Update: Addy replied: Hi, he didn’t say that he has a girlfriend. We hung out twice, but it was just casual, friendly hanging out as far as for me. The first time we hung out was because I wanted to try this particular restaurant, and he offered to take me, and the second was just for coffee. You don’t have to worry about me, it was a friendly hangout until the end. Now he was moving with advance, but I didn’t accept. I feel bad for you, I’m sorry this happened. I wouldn’t have gone out with him if I knew that he has a girlfriend and what he was doing. Now that I know, I won’t be associating with him anymore.

Update two: I asked if they saw the city lights and did mini golf, etc. She said this, “He asked for a kiss by our last meeting, and I rejected him. Also, you’re welcome.”

I think this dude would do it in a box, with a fox, on a train in the rain and not even feel bad about it. He just sounds like he doesn’t care about women at all, and I hope she leaves him. Read the rest of the thread here..

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I’m Working With Yogi Bear

I love to make my space comfortable at work, and I brought my own mini fridge to keep my drinks and lunch. I also keep chips and gum. I have never told or implied to my coworkers that my office is open to anyone to help themselves.

But I have this coworker, Geoff (from the neighboring office), who regularly comes into my office asking for snacks. My frozen pizza has disappeared, and my fans for cooling my hot office have also disappeared.

I share my office with one other coworker, and she recently informed me that Geoff came in today asking for snacks. He saw we had some small bags of chips on our table and asked to have one. Even though my coworker told Geoff that the chips were not hers to give away, Geoff grabbed a bag anyway and walked out.

We all make a decent wage where we work, and there are plenty of restaurants to choose from outside our building. Geoff never contributes to our office parties but is one of the first ones to grab a plate.

Again, I can assure you he makes enough to at least bring a couple of bottles of soda, but he just doesn’t. Random things have been disappearing lately. We requested a key to keep our office locked while we are out, but I know that’s not going to stop Geoff from knocking on our door and trying to come in to ask for food.

It’s just very awkward. How do I politely tell him our office isn’t a food pantry?

What are the stand your ground laws in your state? Try spiking the food with something harmless the next time Geoff comes rolling by. Then go around collecting funds for his medical bill. Read the rest of the thread here.

Check out the previous edition here.

Question of the week

The Office Romance Trivia

True or False: Jim and Pam’s first kiss happened in the Season 2 finale of “The Office”.

[Image credit: cottonbro studio]

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Gestiamo strutture per affitto breve

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